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The New ‘New Normal’

With many states' economies rebounding, lawmakers are increasing funding for higher education and holding down tuition prices. Are things returning to a pre-recession normal, or simply taking another step toward a new model?

Talk Therapy

In light of several recent, high-profile cases of poor communication between faculty and governing boards, AAUP advocates for regular interaction between the two groups and more shared governance.

Equity Gap Widens

Community colleges struggle to serve a growing share of disadvantaged students, report finds, while public funding skews toward four-year institutions.

Concerns on Loan Denials

Historically black colleges urge Education Department to reconsider changes to some student loan criteria, and for-profit colleges and student advocates gear up for rewrite of "gainful employment" regulation.

Pretext for Firing a Dissenter

Australian court threatens $2 million fine for university after concluding that it used finances as excuse to dismiss a professor for complaining about bullying tactics by her supervisor.

Confusion on State Authorization

Education Department will delay enforcing a rule that requires states to submit evidence that colleges are authorized to operate within their borders -- and that could end colleges' aid eligibility if states don't do so.

So Much for Consensus

As Congressional Democrats argue in favor of extending the current interest rate on subsidized student loans, House Republicans in committee back a bill that would overhaul how those rates are determined.

Idea Whose Time Has Come?

Bill introduced Thursday would create a federal database to track students through college and into the work force, but it's unclear whether "unit record" idea will find more favor than it did seven years ago.