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Inputs Trump Outputs

Colleges that serve fewer disadvantaged students have higher graduation rates, new studies find, a fact policy makers should heed.

The Language of Financial Aid

The way higher education officials talk about paying for college confuses families. Let’s communicate with them in ways they understand, C. Anthony Broh argues.

The Negotiators

Education Department taps negotiators for gainful employment rule-making. Broad set of viewpoints represented.

The Old Community College Try

A few days after criticizing higher ed, President Obama again proposes new spending for job-training money at two-year institutions, this time as part of a jobs deal.

One Down, One to Go

By resetting student loan rates, Congress just fixed one big mistake from a 2007 higher ed law, writes Andrew Gillen. Now it should tackle the second: create a well-designed income-based loan program.

Follow the Money

New federal report tracks where 1 million student veterans are going to college, and where the $11 billion in education benefits they receive is going.

'Shake Up' for Higher Ed

President Obama vows to issue "aggressive strategy" to deal with the rising prices of higher education. Some academics question emphasis on efficiency.

GOP Drives Passage of Loan Bill

With Democrats split, near-unanimous support from Republicans results in surprisingly comfortable passage for bipartisan compromise to tie student loan rates to market.