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Margaret Spellings's Vision for Higher Education

What might the new head of a leading university system do as president? Johann Neem looks at her federal commission's report for clues, and is not heartened.

Ben Carson vs. 'Extreme Bias'

Leading GOP candidate in Iowa presidential race explains how he would have Education Department prevent "indoctrination," and cites the "stomping on Jesus" case as an example.

Biden Backs Free College

Announcing his decision not to enter the 2016 presidential race, Biden endorses four years of free public higher education, proposals that his would-be Democratic contenders have been championing.

Suing Student Loan Servicers

In a decision hailed by consumer advocates, a federal appeals court rules that a major student loan agency is not immune from lawsuits.

New Lender for a New Market

Skills Fund wants to be both a private lender and new form of accreditor for the rapidly expanding boot camp sector, with a heavy focus on students' return on investment.

Beyond Faculty Careers

Can the NEH change the orientation of doctoral programs in the humanities?

Closer Watch on ITT

Education Department tightens its oversight of embattled ITT Tech, citing failures of financial responsibility and federal fraud charges.

Vandy Takes On Federal Regs, Redux

University follows its controversial study on regulatory burden on colleges with an expanded analysis, and estimates the costs to all of higher ed.