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The View From Arizona

Rufus Glasper is retiring after 30 years as an administrator at Arizona's Maricopa Community College. He spoke about the evolution of two-year colleges, challenges in Arizona and Maricopa's future.

FAFSA Trouble

New online identification system for federal financial aid sacrifices ease of use for security, critics say, hurting low-income students.

The Faculty Role Online, Scrutinized

The Education Department's inspector general is auditing Western Governors U over the faculty role in its competency-based programs. The high-stakes audit is relevant to other colleges and forms of online learning.

Planned Breakup in Tennessee

Universities favor governor's proposal to restructure public higher ed governance, but system chancellor and others say institutional interests will trump state priorities.

More Changes to FAFSA List

States worry that a Department of Education plan to curtail their access to data from the federal student aid form will cause headaches for state aid awards.

Boost From a Budget Deal

Congress passes a 2016 spending and tax bill that blows away caps on discretionary spending to fund more student aid and health research.

Playing the Aid Game

Historically, U of Wisconsin at Madison has minimized the use of non-need-based aid, but it is ending that restraint. The catch? Its top official doesn't really agree with the practice.

More Grads Have 'Excessive' Debt

An analysis finds a steady rise in the proportion of college graduates paying too high a percentage of their annual income to repay student loan debt.