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Cutting CUNY

Governor Cuomo wants to stop funding one-third of CUNY four-year colleges' budget. Where will the money come from?

Obama Education Adviser Departs

James Kvaal helped shape the administration’s sweeping higher education policies.

Clinton vs. Sanders on Black Colleges

Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders -- and their supporters -- spar over their plans for historically black colleges, as President Obama's complicated legacy looms.

Race on Campus, Nontraditional Leaders, Rising Confidence: A Survey of Presidents

College and university presidents overwhelmingly describe race relations on their campus as excellent or good, are increasingly upbeat about their...

The Power of Grad Student Teaching

Study suggests grad students may outperform faculty members in the classroom and may also benefit from time away from their dissertations.

When State Politicians Can't Compromise

In Illinois and Pennsylvania, eight-month budget stalemates threaten the future of public higher education.

Donald Trump and the Value of College

The candidate's support comes disproportionately from those without bachelor's degrees -- but that may say more about the failure than the success of our higher education system, writes Ryan Craig.

The Triad and For-Profits

The Obama administration prods state regulators to tighten their oversight of for-profits, with a focus on job placement rates. But confusion about calculating those rates reigns, and many state agencies are understaffed and outgunned.