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Business as Usual?

In the aftermath of the recent election, many people on campuses are feeling more stressed and burdened than usual. Kerry Ann Rockquemore suggests some positive ways to move forward.

Stephen Bannon vs. Seven Sisters

Leaders of women’s colleges object to what Trump’s appointee as chief White House strategist had to say about their institutions and their alumnae.

In Defense of DACA

Amid uncertainty over Trump presidency, college leaders sign on to a statement calling for the continuation of a program that has benefited undocumented college students.

Taking Stands

Lawrence Summers disavows term "political correctness"; Columbia president says Trump victory challenges "central idea of a university"; Jewish historians call for support for immigrants; and more.

Regs in the Crosshairs

A Congressional Research Service memo indicates regulations finalized after May 30 will be subject to expedited review by Congress.

Presidents' Message to President-Elect

More than 100 campus leaders urge Trump to take more forceful stand against "harassment, hate and acts of violence." UPDATE: More presidents sign on.

New Federal Earnings Data

Graduates who earned certificates at public institutions have larger salaries, but there is wide variation between programs even at the same institutions.

Foxx on Higher Ed

The likely next chair of the U.S. House education committee weighs in on GOP higher education priorities a week after Republicans captured the White House and retained both chambers of Congress.