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10 Ways to Support Students Facing Immigration Crises

Anita Casavantes Bradford, Laura E. Enriquez and Susan Bibler Coutin offer advice to faculty members and administrators.

Decision Day for DeVos

The Senate education committee is set to vote today on the nomination of Betsy DeVos in an unusually contentious confirmation process for an education secretary.

Forceful Response

The Trump administration’s entry ban triggered wide condemnation from colleges, associations, faculty groups and others in higher education.

Confronting the Trump Effect on Our Campuses

Yolanda T. Moses highlights four areas that institutions and individuals should focus on to encourage diversity and inclusion over the next four years.

Coping With Zero in Arizona

Since losing all state funding two years ago, two large Arizona community colleges struggle with declining enrollments and budget cuts.

Higher Ed and the Wall

Some college leaders are concerned about the symbolic impact of Trump’s proposed wall on collaborations and exchange, even as many wait to see what, if any, practical effects it might have.

Creating Affordable Pathways

The University of Kentucky, as the state’s flagship institution, has a moral responsibility to provide access to students of limited means, write Eli Capilouto and Tim Tracy, and thus is radically shifting the ratio of merit to need-based aid to do so.

Kentucky’s Need-Based Aid Gamble

University of Kentucky seeks to drastically shift its aid strategy to improve retention, rolling back the use of funds for top students who can afford to pay.