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Student Debt and Home Buying

Federal Reserve Bank of New York study suggests student loans don't play a major role in limiting borrowers' ability to buy a home later.

Key Financial Aid Tool Could Be Down for Months

After briefings with congressional committees, federal agencies deliver more bad news on the status of the IRS data retrieval tool.

The Free Certificate Movement

Indiana moves to focus on job training through nondegree programs.

Do Pell Grants Discourage Marriage?

Republican congressman’s suggestion during hearing stuns aid experts. Many also object to his claim that students spend their federal aid on “goodies and electronics.”

Protecting Pell? Critics Say Budget Wouldn't

By cutting a third of program's surplus and slashing other aid programs, Trump administration's first budget would imperil college access, advocates argue.

A Promise With Limits

Arkansas becomes latest state to create a free community college plan. But it limits programs of study and could require some recipients to pay back the money.

Upper Iowa University on Notice

Investigation found that staff members improperly handled financial aid funds and changed student grades.

Hungry and Unable to Complete

A new study points to food and housing issues that prevent many community college students from progressing.