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A Grab for Power

Newly revealed draft legislation shows that Florida governor Ron DeSantis sought to give state officials more control of public colleges and universities, including over hiring and curriculum.

From COVID Czar to Strategy Czar

College leaders can take the same approach they used for managing COVID on campus and apply it to implementing overall institutional strategy, Kent Barnds writes.

New Presidents or Provosts: Christian Brothers U, Cleveland State U, Davidson College, Mesa CC, Saint Mary’s U, South Carolina State U, Texas A&M U–San Antonio, U of Colorado

Mohamed Abdelrahman, provost and executive vice president of academic affairs at Colorado State University Pueblo, has been named provost and...

New Presidents or Provosts: College of the Ozarks, Connecticut State CC, Gonzaga U, Spelman College, Stony Brook U, U of Portland, Wagner College

Angelo Araimo, interim president of Wagner College, in New York, has been named to the job on a permanent basis...

Fighting Over Money

The University of Alaska system claims negotiations on a collective bargaining agreement have hit an impasse. Faculty argue that negotiations are ongoing and UA may be violating state law.

New Presidents or Provosts: Butte College, Glendale CC, Golden Gate U, Hartnell CC, Hartwick College, Marshall U, Spring Hill College, U of Maine Augusta

Rebecca Cantor, assistant provost and professor of English at Savannah College of Art and Design, in Georgia, has been chosen...