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Good Fees Make Good Neighbors

Wofford lets nearby medical school pay for students to use campus facilities, highlighting potential revenue stream for liberal arts colleges that don't want to change their missions.

New Presidents or Provosts: Auburn U., Georgia College & State U., Gordon College, Indiana U. at Bloomington, Merced College, U. of Redlands

Timothy Boosinger, interim provost at Auburn University, in Alabama, has been appointed as provost and vice president for academic affairs...

Unbalancing Sheets

A change in pension accounting metrics could upend university balance sheets, threatening everything from accreditation to federal financial aid.

Small Step for Quality Control

The recent decision by the Western regional accreditor to make public all of its institutional reports is an important signal of greater transparency in higher education, write Andrew P. Kelly and Mark Schneider.

Three Strikes in California

Two California community colleges are ahead of City College of San Francisco in coping with accreditation threat. Special trustees or a takeover could loom, while accreditor warns CCSF faculty about misleading statements.

Where Are All the Adults?

Colleges fail to track adult student retention and graduation rates, survey finds. But one accreditor will now require those data. Will others follow suit?

Rise of the Accreditor?

WASC nixes Ashford University's accreditation bid, dealing blow to for-profit Bridgepoint Inc. and signaling that accreditors may take a more aggressive stance with for-profit sector.

Something Has to Give

City College of San Francisco's accreditation is in limbo. Shutting down probably isn't a possibility, but the college is in a deep hole. What went wrong?