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Nowhere to Turn

Every university funding source is under pressure, Moody’s asserts, meaning that all institutions -- even the elites -- need to rethink their business models.

Playing Different Games

Colleges spent much more on athletics per athlete than on academics per student between 2005 and 2010, new report finds, with growth in the former outpacing the latter.

Shared Crisis

With more institutions citing budget woes as they eliminate academic programs, AAUP offers new recommendations for faculty involvement in such decisions and just what constitutes financial exigency.

The Pupil Cliff

Decrease in high school graduates and growth of minority groups will put increased pressure on states to rethink policies and institutions to improve recruitment, retention and outreach to new student populations, according to new report.

A Powerful Statement

In opting for less money, and basing his compensation on performance, Purdue's new president is setting a model for higher education, writes Arthur Levine.

Priced Out

Because of increased competition for students, decreased household income and skepticism about value, a third of institutions predict tuition revenue won't keep pace with inflation, Moody's survey finds.

Making the Case for Adjuncts

Adjunct faculty make up most of the higher education work force, but their working conditions largely don't reflect their role. Is reform on a wide scale possible? What will it take?

Tapping Into the Well

In stark contrast to most public institutions, North Dakota colleges will likely see a sizeable increase in state appropriations, a decision education leaders attribute to a favorable economic climate and efforts to build the trust of conservative lawmakers.