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Deep Cuts in Wisconsin

Governor Scott Walker wants to remove $300 million from university system, and offers campuses more autonomy in return. But higher ed leaders say the trade isn't nearly enough to offset the cuts.

Test Anxiety

Purdue's politician turned president wants a nationally normed measure of what students learn -- and he's tired of waiting. Professors want meaningful assessment but aren't sold on standardized exams.

Maine Central Planning

University system in a sparsely populated state tries to cut costs without closing campuses, so it plans to centralize operations and make sure they have unique programs.

Checkered Recovery Continues

Spending on higher education is up in most states since last year, but half of states are still below their recession-era levels.

Judge Weighs In on CCSF

City College of San Francisco's supporters notch an incremental court victory in their feud with the college's accreditor. But the accreditor still gets to make the final call, judge rules.

New Presidents or Provosts: Prescott College, Rock Valley College, U. of Bristol, U. of North Alabama, U. of Wisconsin Colleges, Valley City State U., Vermont Technical College, Westchester CC

 Hugh Brady, professor of medicine and healthcare strategy and president emeritus at University College Dublin, in Ireland, has been...

The Higher Ed Austerity Deal Is Falling Apart

Christopher Newfield sees signs of unrest in what has been a political consensus that has seen the erosion of support for public higher education.