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Next Steps for Mills

College leaders walk a tightrope between cuts and efforts to boost enrollment and revenue. Will faculty members follow, even as their numbers are reduced and they lose retirement contributions?

Fine Print and Tough Questions for the Purdue-Kaplan Deal

University’s boundary-testing deal poses a test for its accreditor and could set new precedents about online education and the role of public universities.

Questions on President's Future at Washington College

Evidence points to board discussing possible removal even as members deny knowledge of plans for change.

New Presidents or Provosts: Delaware County CC, Gavilan College, Oregon State U, Reinhardt U, Stetson U, Tiffin U, U of Saskatchewan, Vassar College, Wilfrid Laurier U

L. Joy Gates Black, vice chancellor for academic affairs and student success at Tarrant County College District, in Texas, has...

Trouble From the Grave

Burlington College closed last year, but controversy still swirls over reports of a federal investigation into land deal by a former president, Jane Sanders, wife of Bernie -- an investigation allegedly sparked by a prominent Republican.

‘Financial Emergency’ at Mills

College announces layoffs (likely including tenured professors) and plans for curricular reform -- amid a deficit that has grown to $9 million.

Can a Professor Be a Trustee?

Officials at Parkland College in Illinois await a judge’s decision on whether a newly elected college board member can keep her job as a faculty member.

What Boards Are Missing: Curiosity

College and university boards have much about which to be curious these days, argue Peter Eckel and Cathy Trower, but too many struggle with asking questions at all, let alone good or great ones.