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Board Leaves Its President in Limbo

The North Idaho Board of Trustees expanded its power and subsequently repealed a mask mandate put in place by the community college’s president.

The Trouble With Mandates

Vaccines are not the only solution. It’s time for bold higher education leadership in the face of COVID-19, writes Tim Collins.

Insulting Arkansas? President Resigns in Town-Gown Dispute

W. Joseph King described Lyon as a bubble “of inclusion and diversity surrounded by a sea of angry, disenfranchised populations and a large white-supremacist population.” He’s now out of a job.

An Accreditor Goes Deeper on Data

Western accrediting agency’s new database, tapping into wide swath of federal information, better enables public scrutiny of the performance of the colleges it monitors.

North Idaho Board to Discuss President’s Contract

Faculty and staff support the president. But his relationship with several trustees has deteriorated following a failed recall of the board chair.