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What Trustees Think

Board members at comprehensive universities are often frustrated by their own lack of knowledge or understanding about the institutions they're tasked with leading, a new report finds.

Not a Spectator Sport

Campus protests over race and diversity have created a tipping point where all boards must step up to partner in leadership with the president, write Peter Eckel and Cathy Trower.

Board Tussle Over Race

At Milwaukee Area Technical College, some students, faculty and community members feel the new, pro-business appointment process to the institution's board disenfranchises minorities.

All in the Family

At Cornell University's medical college, the daughter of a wealthy donor is replacing her father as leader of its board.

On Their Watch

Poor board governance could risk the future of American higher education, according to a new report by the Association of Governing Boards.

Call for Trustee Activism

Panel urges boards to become more involved in everything from presidential searches to the curriculum.

We Need Trustee Self-Policing

When board members are hurting their institutions more than helping them, it's the role of other board members -- not politicians -- to intervene, writes Richard D. Legon.

The Trouble With Trustees

It's time to be honest about the way some board members are hindering the work of their institutions, writes Patrick Sanaghan.