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Jamal A. Cooks, vice president of academic services at Chabot College, in California, has been appointed president there.

Jay Gonzalez, a lawyer and former gubernatorial candidate in Massachusetts, has been selected as president of Curry College, also in Massachusetts.

Anita Hanson, acting president at Fond du Lac Tribal and Community College, in Minnesota, has been named to the job on a permanent basis.

Valerie Kinloch, dean of the School of Education at the University of Pittsburgh, in Pennsylvania, has been chosen as president of Johnson C. Smith University, in North Carolina.

Emily Messer, vice president for advancement and enrollment management at Jacksonville State University, in Alabama, has been selected as president of Texas Wesleyan University.

Claire Oliveros, vice president of institutional equity and research and planning at Cosumnes River College, in California, has been named president of Riverside Community College, also in California.

Bentley Wallace, president of South Arkansas College, has been appointed chancellor at Arkansas State University–Mountain Home.

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