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One Dupont & Unit Records

A think tank report calls out the private college lobby for opposing a national database on students, which proponents say would bring much-needed accountability to higher education.

Taking the Direct Path

Competency-based education is gaining steam, but questions remain about which forms the U.S. Department of Education will back.

Tough Love for Accreditation

The accreditation process needs to change, an expert writes in a new book, but accreditors are making more progress than their critics charge.

Accreditation and Autonomy

Our imperfect system of quality assurance is what gives American higher education a degree of independence from the government interference we see elsewhere in the world, writes Alexander Astin.

An Innovation Stifler?

An accrediting agency just approved a free, online university with a largely volunteer faculty. Is accreditation really the squelcher of experimentation it is made out to be?

Call to Action on Accreditation

Accreditors gather in Washington to discuss the future of accreditation in the face of significant headwinds of reform on Capitol Hill.

Focus on Faculty

Campus reviewers and agencies' standards need to pay more attention to adjunct faculty issues in the accreditation process, a new report asserts.

Court Loss for an Accreditor

A federal judge overturns an agency's 2012 decision to revoke an institution's accreditation -- and imposes a $429,000 financial penalty to boot.