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J-Schools Dump Accreditor

Northwestern’s journalism school drops its accreditor, shortly after Berkeley did the same, echoing broader questions about the value of the process and whether it impedes innovation.

Who Defines Expertise?

Accreditor’s new rules are forcing a professor who has taught philosophy for 50 years to stop doing so, because her Ph.D. is in English. Many object.

Moonlighting While Accreditation Fell Through

Community college faces students upset that they can't be licensed after a professor -- fired this week -- reportedly didn't have time to deal with accreditor, despite having time to teach online at two for-profit institutions.

Mandating Child-Care Degrees

A changing economy and professionalization is driving an increase in education requirements for child-care workers, but there are concerns about mandating higher degrees for a field that traditionally doesn't pay well.

Crackdown on For-Profit Law Schools

In the wake of federal criticism of its accreditation standards, the American Bar Association sanctions another for-profit law school.

Upper Iowa University on Notice

Investigation found that staff members improperly handled financial aid funds and changed student grades.

Accreditor Questions Alabama Governance

The governor’s heavy involvement in public college and university boards gives Southern quality-assurance agency pause.

Is the Worst Over at CCSF?

City College of San Francisco is struggling with money woes, dwindling enrollment and a long-running accreditation crisis, but many in the state say the college is changing for the better.