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Promoting Gender Equity or Sexism?

University of Glasgow requires that female Ph.D. candidates have at least one woman on their doctoral examination panel. Some see move forcing “academic housework” on senior female academics.

Chinese Companies Seek to Buy U.S. Campuses

When a Chinese company seeks to buy an American music college, opponents of the sale raise academic freedom concerns. Over the last several years, Chinese buyers have purchased a number of campuses in the U.S.

Higher Ed as Brazil Moves to the Right

Academics fear lack of support for research and for free expression.

A Study Abroad Boycott

A second instructor at the University of Michigan declines to write a letter for a student to study in Israel, citing support for the boycott, and a first professor who refused to write a letter is disciplined. Meanwhile, Israel has detained and ordered the deportation of a U.S. student for her support for the boycott movement.

Did German Catholic Church Get Too Much Control Over Research Study?

Team of scholars uncovered thousands of suspected abusers, but some say they would have found more if not for the limits they accepted on their work.

‘An Unacceptable Breach of Trust’

Editors of book series stop publishing with Springer Nature to protest its acquiescence to Chinese government censorship demands.

New Life for ACICS

Trump administration recommends restoring the controversial accreditor of many for-profits, citing a federal court ruling. Meanwhile, ACICS faces questions about its approval of a Danish business school's degree programs.

Spain's Degree Scandals

Accusations of academic malpractice have forced two resignations and reached the prime minister.