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Economy Doesn't Stymie Study Abroad

Worries that the worldwide economic downturn would trigger a slip in international education should be largely alleviated by this year’s...

The State of the Rankings

Efforts to evaluate universities from around the world may be flawed, but they aren't going away so they need to be understood, writes Philip G. Altbach.

Transition in Egypt

Incoming and (in podcast) departing presidents of American University in Cairo discuss role of key institution in a volatile region.

More Legal Risk for Canada's Universities

In what appears to be the first decision of its kind, a Canadian court has ruled that universities can be...

Britain's Answer to 'Who Pays?'

Glance around the world and in nearly every corner of the globe, you'll find countries searching for a way to...

Habitats for Academic Freedom

In weighing a proposed outpost in Singapore, Yale considers the parameters of inquiry and speech in a more authoritarian society.

The State of Global Higher Ed

A new report assesses how the internationalization of higher education is changing and why it's becoming more important than ever before.

Reacting and Not Overreacting to Europe Travel Alert

State Department says it does not want colleges to call off study abroad programs. Many institutions urge students to be vigilant.