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National Security and International Exchange

Former U.S. Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates delivers opening plenary speech at conference of international educators.

All English, All the Time

A public university in Italy transitions to English-only instruction. Meanwhile, some Israelis worry that institutions there have moved too far in that direction. Can universities be both “international” and “national"?

The Money of Study Abroad

While American universities are among those that profit from international education, other countries pursue a different path.

New Ethics Code for Agents

Australia, Britain, Ireland and New Zealand issue joint statement on recruiting international students, backing system that remains controversial in the U.S.

Globalization and Academic Values

International Association of Universities issues call to make ethical considerations central as institutions cross borders.

Partly Dry Campus for Muslims

London Metropolitan U., seeking to be more sensitive to Muslim students, may restrict alcohol sales.

Ni Hao, Future Educators

More foreigners are applying to U.S. graduate programs in education. Anecdotal evidence suggests the growth is driven largely by China.

A Call to Respect Rights

Over objections of Yale's president, professors approve measure demanding more attention to issues of freedom as university helps create new campus in Singapore.