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A Bright Light

Margee M. Ensign describes how the American U. of Nigeria runs counter to many of the trends of American-style campuses outside the U.S.

The Aging English Professoriate

As professors put off retirement, academics under 30 are having a tougher time starting their careers, study finds.

No Shortcut

In international education, has emphasis on recruiting overshadowed old-fashioned credential evaluation?

Visa Uncertainty in Britain

Court ruling could lead to many appeals by those students whose requests were rejected.

Hold the Phone

U.S. appeals panel overturns lower court ruling that Tennessee-Knoxville acted legally in firing Seventh-day Adventist employee who declined to monitor emergency help line during her Sabbath.

New Round of 'Exam Howlers'

What did Stalin really build across Eastern Europe?

Global Education Shifts

A new report predicts that China and India will produce a larger share of worldwide college graduates than the U.S. and some EU countries combined by 2020.

Ivy Model for Oxford Aid

Record-setting gift allows U. of Oxford to pursue goal of providing grants to all students below certain income levels.