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Area Studies Mismatch

Experts in area and language studies discuss how to meet rising student demand when federal budget cuts, vanishing tenure-track positions, and lack of commitment to specialized librarians are hurting their fields.

Higher Ed Reform in Ukraine

Under new government, universities try to leave Soviet-era policies behind.

Student Activism Worldwide

Protests in many countries are a reminder of the importance of understanding the political movements that emerge from campuses, write Philip G. Altbach and Manja Klemenčič.

Chinese Students in the Classroom

New research sheds light on Chinese undergraduate students' challenges in the classroom and the ways in which they respond to and adapt to those challenges.

The MBA for Billionaires

At this international program, there are no apologies for a high price tag.

Russian Exchanges Continue

As tensions between the U.S. and Russia have escalated, administrators of international exchange programs largely report business as usual.

Exiled From Papua New Guinea

A vice chancellor struggles to return to a university where students are rallying behind him.

Hillary on Higher Ed

Globally and in the U.S., Clinton calls for more focus on those who need postsecondary training but not necessarily a four-year degree. She endorses online education, but with some cautions.