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Egypt Looks to the UK

Britain's funding systems are seen as a model for reform.

Northern Exposure

Country steps up its recruitment of international students with a goal of attracting more skilled immigrants.

The New Cambridge

Can elite university advance through massive new development with more research space and housing for academics, but without more undergraduates?

Blood Bucket Aftermath

In wake of Ohio U. Student Senate president's anti-Israel twist on the fund-raiser for ALS, debate has escalated, four students have been arrested, and questions are being raised about the charges against them -- and about calls for civility.

Warnings About Tuition Discounting

As Australia prepares to deregulate the setting of tuition prices, experts there warn that universities will begin offering cut-price “scholarships” while maintaining high sticker prices as markers of quality.

Bad Break

Scotland's universities stand to lose if they find themselves outside the United Kingdom, writes Christopher R. Marsicano. And academics elsewhere should take note of how that issue has captured little attention in the independence campaign.

Israel's Salaita

Professor fired by Israeli university in West Bank explains why he feels allied with the controversial scholar denied a job by the University of Illinois.

Agents Go Domestic in Australia

Australian colleges have long used recruiters to woo international students. Now they're turning to companies to help them recruit students within the country, too.