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Making It Work for Working-Class Students

We must consider how much study abroad opportunities can enrich the undergraduate experience of the hardworking, not-so-privileged students who attend a regional public institution, writes Paula M. Krebs.

The Study Abroad Advantage

Study abroad alumni have better career outcomes, according to two studies assessing the impact of Europe’s Erasmus exchange program.

International Enrollments Increase

Annual Open Doors report finds 10 percent increase in international students in the U.S. and 5 percent increase in the number of Americans studying abroad.

A Push to Send Students Abroad

At the Generation Study Abroad summit, a shared goal is to increase -- and diversify -- the pool of American students going overseas.

Fearful Asymmetry

Obfuscation: it's not just for post-structuralists anymore. Scott McLemee discusses a book on creating privacy in digital society.

Diversifying Study Abroad

At international education meeting, speakers discuss ways to attract nonwhite and low-income students.

Australia Bullish on Foreign Students

Number of enrolled international students rises 10 percent, and government officials say policy changes position the country well against competitors in Europe and North America.

Not-So-Great Expectations

At a conference for international education administrators, sessions focus on whether universities are setting high enough expectations for students when they study abroad.