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In China, No Choice But to Cheat?

At conference on overseas admissions, discussions focus on whether widespread reports about application fraud are leaving those who are honest feeling they have to cheat.

International Grad Student Apps Increase

Council of Graduate Schools survey shows 2 percent rise in international student applications, with more interest from India but drops in applications from China and for business degrees. Survey includes a first breakdown of applications by degree level.

A Cheating Scandal With Diplomatic Dimensions

Saudi Arabian students are snared in a grade-change scandal at Montana Tech that became a diplomatic incident.

Changes Planned for Foreign Student Work Program

A senator's letter provides insight into possible changes planned for the optional practical training program that allows international students to work in the U.S. postgraduation.

Town-Gown With a Global Twist

Results from a survey of community members' perceptions of international students in a rural Midwestern town suggest there's plenty of room for improvement.

Indicted for Cheating

15 Chinese nationals face charges of an elaborate scheme in which those showing up for standardized admissions tests were not who they said they were -- or who their passports said they were.

Fee for Being Foreign

Citing a need to expand support services, some public universities are charging differentiated tuition rates or hiking fees for international undergraduate students. But why are many of them mixing the funds with their general budgets?

The Students Universities 'Cannot Afford to Fail'

Australia considers whether the quest for tuition revenue from abroad is eroding standards.