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'Teaching Unprepared Students'

Many experts say that the United States can only truly see gains in the percentages of adults who have a...

Helping Community Colleges Raise the Bar

New data from engagement survey suggest that two-year institutions need to have higher expectations of students -- especially outside of the classroom.

Nicholls State Faulted on Treatment of Long-Term Adjunct

AAUP finds concerns about due process and academic freedom in case of mathematics instructor let go after 12 years of work.

Sustainable Curriculums

Faculty members describe different approaches to incorporating sustainability into their classes, in some very different disciplines.

6-6 Course Loads and No Benefits

Adjuncts in Tennessee, working a decade without raise in pay ceilings, spent 2 years documenting needs. Their plan was considered and promptly rejected as the recession hit.

Stuck on Student Learning

As Measuring Up 2008 prepares to grade higher education progress on a variety of fronts, most states' efforts to gauge academic outcomes have stalled, writes Peter Ewell.

Encouraging Colleges to Look Within

In challenge to rankings business, new data from National Survey of Student Engagement show variation in educational quality is more prevalent within institutions than between them.

Evaluating the Adjunct Impact

New studies document what happens -- and doesn't happen -- educationally when colleges rely on part timers.