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Assessing the Sublime

Editors discuss new collection on measuring learning in disciplines with knowledge that is not easy to measure.

'Lowering Higher Education'

With colleges under intense pressure to find new sources of revenue, many are applying business ideas or creating closer ties...

Teaching Ambiguity

Robert Eisinger makes the case for emphasizing fluidity over concreteness and probability over facts in the college classroom.

Can You Trust Automated Grading?

ETS says new research shows its program can be superior to human evaluation of college students, but MIT scholar says claims are built on false premises.

Cast Out in Chicago

Adjuncts at Columbia College Chicago say that administration's replacement of 100 long-serving instructors, without explanation, is an act of 'war' on their union.

Let Us Now Praise KJV

This year marks the four hundredth anniversary of an influential translation of the Bible. Scott McLemee hears echoes of it everywhere.

Toward A Science of Learning

Colleges need to harness their own research expertise to focus on how students advance or fail to do so, writes Diana Chapman Walsh.

A Shop Divided

Furor over outspoken adjunct's testimony in Washington highlights rift between tenured and contingent faculty.