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One Big Faculty Union

A state judge ruled Tuesday that the University of Illinois at Chicago does not have the right to block a...

Making Ethnic Studies Compute

Cal State San Marcos professor explains how she used online mapping tools to help students connect social research to their own personal narratives.

Collaboration on Retiree Health Benefits

Once competitors, TIAA-CREF and Emeriti team up to promote their products and persuade colleges that a major liability is looming.

Wikipedia Aims Higher

Looking to expand its alliances in higher ed, the publicly edited online encyclopedia holds an academic conference.

E-phemeral E-Books

In a bid to stoke interest in e-books, some university presses let students and scholars rent electronic volumes for a fraction of the full price.

This I (Somewhat) Believe

Her college's choice for its common reading for freshmen prompts Carolyn Foster Segal to ask: What is the point?

Writing About Math

At MIT, professors grapple with how to teach students to communicate about numbers in clear English.

'Jumping' to New Ideas

For a college president, Michael Schneider of McPherson College spends an awful lot of time talking about horsing around on...