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The Pulse: Blackboard World 2012 Report

In this month's edition of the Pulse podcast, Rod Murray shares highlights from the 2012 Blackboard World users' group meeting.

By the Numbers

Departures and a reorganization at the National Center for Education Statistics stir fears the feds are less focused on higher ed data. Not so, says the center's commissioner.

Promise Anything

Running for office? Let Cicero be your campaign manager! Scott McLemee ponders "How to Win an Election."

Unbalancing Sheets

A change in pension accounting metrics could upend university balance sheets, threatening everything from accreditation to federal financial aid.

A New Model?

Can a 27-year-old create a college from scratch to serve low-income students in Pittsburgh?

Pass-Fail Option for Professors

If colleges want to encourage faculty members to innovate in teaching, they should consider a new approach to course evaluations, writes Alison Byerly.

Another Press on Chopping Block

U. of New Orleans plans "hiatus" for scholarly publishing unit -- and eliminates job of director (the only full-time employee).

The Changing Nature of Faculty

Report from a project studying the changing nature of faculty suggests a new model to better support adjuncts.