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Building a Better Faculty Senate

Faculty representatives at AAUP conference suggest improved communication and proactive approaches as ways to increase the standing of professors' governance bodies.

Rape and Betrayal

An account of a rape at Amherst, and of the way officials there didn't provide support, leads others to come forward -- and the college to try to fix what's broken.

'No Longer Invisible'

A new book argues that colleges can find revitalization by paying more attention to religion on campus.

Income Data and the Degree

The gainful employment rule may be on hold, but there’s no reason the government can’t take advantage of the data it produces to give colleges information about their graduates’ success, writes Scott Kinney.

Teaching, Stress, Adjuncts

New survey of faculty members finds decreased time on teaching, gender differences in classroom approaches, and more stress in the public than private sector. Plus new data on part-timers.

Going Meta on the Data

You leave digital footprints when you do research. Scott McLemee listens to the librarians who follow them.

The Liberal Arts, Economic Value, and Leisure

Stop trying to make an economic case for the liberal arts, writes Johann Neem. Their value to society and citizens is too important for that.

Publicizing (Alleged) Plagiarism

Berkeley has launched investigation into plagiarism allegations against Terrence Deacon in response to very public campaign for Deacon to admit to alleged oversight errors in citations.