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Race or Productivity?

Study challenges earlier research that found black applicants less likely than comparable white applicants to receive NIH grants.

Tenure Track as Alt-Ac

In many science disciplines, landing a good academic job is no longer the norm, according to research presented at AAAS meeting. Is it time to rethink postdoc positions?

'Warnings From the Trenches'

Professors rally behind a high school teacher who says No Child Left Behind has created a generation of test-takers unprepared for higher education.

Redefining College-Ready

Long Beach City College and South Texas College work with local high schools to prevent students from falling into the quagmire of remedial courses, and placement tests aren't the answer.

'Noble Savages'

Anthropologist Napoleon Chagnon talks to Inside Higher Ed about his new book, Noble Savages, and his lengthy and exceptionally controversial career.

Writing in Private

Bob Blaisdell explains why his remedial English students so dislike writing in class -- and why he needs to get them comfortable doing so.

Librarians and Lawyers

A second librarian's blog becomes the target of a potential lawsuit from a disgruntled publisher.

A Professor vs. Fox News

Is it ever legitimate for an instructor to bar use of a "biased" news source for a class assignment?