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Digital Public Library of America

Making books, artwork, and historical documents of all kinds universally available for free is a great ambition. Scott McLemee thinks the job will require a little more, though.

Tackling the Cap

More institutions limit adjuncts' hours in anticipation of federal guidelines, but advocacy groups warn that such moves are premature.

A First for the Israel Boycott?

The general membership of the Association for Asian American Studies unanimously approves a resolution endorsing the boycott of Israeli universities.

Voting With No Confidence

As the number of faculty votes of dissatisfaction with university administrators rises, the influence of such votes seems to wane.

Bad Precedent or Unique Case?

Supreme Court rejects U. of Oregon appeal on suit by former graduate student. Higher ed groups believe ruling left standing endangers academic freedom in doctoral education, but ex-student's lawyer disagrees.

Making the Best of Assessment

Professors are right to doubt the motives of many of those pushing for precise measures of student learning, but that doesn't mean the ideas behind assessment aren't valid or that they are inconsistent with the liberal arts, writes Adam Kotsko.

Engaged Students

Students may be more willing to welcome significant learning experiences than critics of academe realize, at least if professors make the right assignments, writes Robert M. Eisinger.

Disciplinary Power Struggle

Medievalists try to make sense of sudden departure (without a public explanation) of co-executive directors of their scholarly association.