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Isn't Learning Part of 'Value'?

President Obama is right to want colleges to prove their worth – but his “myopic” plan ignores how much students learn, writes Richard Hersh.

2 Years for Law School?

President Obama endorses idea that legal education is too expensive and too long.

Mixed Job Market in Political Science

Survey finds fewer jobs over all, but some subfields show increases.

So You Think You Can Think

To teach a course about reality TV, Dominic Pettman turned his class into a reality TV show.

Disappointed, Not Surprised

Professors overwhelmingly voted for Obama twice. But five years into his presidency, few faculty leaders are surprised that they disagree strongly with his plan for higher ed reform.

Performance Funding Goes Federal

Obama proposes expansive college rating system. Making it happen won't be easy, but higher education leaders said they'll play ball.

Enjoying White House Attention

For colleges and other organizations promoting alternative paths to degrees, the president's speech was validation they have wanted.

Ratings Are Not So Easy

It's hard to argue with President Obama's analysis of higher education's problems, writes Karen Gross, but his proposed solution -- a system for rating colleges -- must be crafted very carefully.