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Student signs for "educational freedom" at New College of Florida.

New College Board Denies Tenure for 5 Professors

In the latest maneuver to remake higher ed in the vision of Ron DeSantis, New College of Florida trustees voted to deny tenure to five applicants due to “extraordinary circumstances.”

The letters "AI" in blue against a dark, futuristic, abstract background.

Readying Students for the AI Revolution

To prepare students for coming changes in the workforce, we are recommitting to three pedagogical practices, Molly Vollman Makris, Nate Mickelson and Ryan Coughlan write.

Female scientists in white coats with their hair pulled back stand beside a microscope.

Research Finds No Gender Bias in Academic Science

Reviewing decades of studies, researchers with “adversarial” perspectives conclude that tenure-track women and men in STEM receive comparable grant funding, journal acceptances and recommendation letters—and that women have an edge over men in hiring.

A student dining hall worker slices a pizza as other students stand in the cafeteria line

‘We’re Not Slowing Down,’ Student Workers Say

Undergraduate workers are winning collective bargaining rights, making student unions increasingly common. They’re driven by the pandemic, pro-union sentiment and each other.

Demonstrators supporting the University of Michigan graduate student workers' strike cross a street, holding signs.

Grading Amid a Grad Workers’ Strike

University of Michigan graduate student instructors and staff assistants have been striking for almost a month. Now, the institution is trying to grade without them.

Temple Union Issues No-Confidence Vote in Administration

Ongoing tensions at Temple University were punctuated by a vote of no confidence on Monday, with members of the Temple...
A drawing of one hand extending a sealed envelope, with the word "RESIGNATION," in red, written over the envelope seal, to another outstretched hand.

Why Florida’s Public College Presidents Should Resign 

The best strategy for countering Governor DeSantis’s attacks on higher ed could be for Florida’s public university presidents to threaten to resign en masse, Robert Birnbaum writes.

Colleges Start New Programs: Climate Action, AI, Behavior Analysis

The following colleges have started new academic programs: Gonzaga University is starting a certificate in climate action planning. Houston Community...