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Newly Tenured ... at Clarkson, Colorado, Denison, Linfield, Ursinus

The following individuals have recently been awarded tenure by their colleges and universities: Clarkson University Stephen T. Casper, history Sulapha...

Documentary History

A new book traces the background of scholarship in the age of instant reproduction. Scott McLemee gets out the highlighter.

Free Speech or Hostility?

A Cameron U. professor says he is being stripped of tenure, in violation of his First Amendment rights, for accusing a colleague of racism and for insisting on diversity outreach in hiring.

Hunting for a University

A California city makes a pitch for a new engineering campus at the American Council on Education's annual meeting.

One Dupont & Unit Records

A think tank report calls out the private college lobby for opposing a national database on students, which proponents say would bring much-needed accountability to higher education.

Practicing What He Preaches

Star professors who talk about the importance of public higher ed but teach at elite privates send one message, writes Abraham Gutman. Those who take jobs at public universities send a much better message.

Grant Quota to Be Paid

Faculty and graduate students say Columbia U. is forcing out respected longtime scholars because they aren't able to raise 80 percent of their salary costs in grants.

Professionalism and Formality

Will Miller says it's just fine when students call him by his first name.