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More Routes to T.A. Unions

N.L.R.B. revives bids for collective bargaining for graduate students at Columbia and the New School, potentially permitting new challenges to ruling that has limited unionization.

Wanting More Say

Presidents overwhelmingly say they should have more input in faculty hiring and tenure decisions. But just how much say should they have?

Pi Day of the Century

March 14 is always exciting to mathematicians, and 3.14.15 is extra special.

Economic Angst, Rose-Colored Views on Race: A Survey of Presidents

Fewer than 4 in 10 college presidents express confidence in the financial sustainability of their institutions over the next decade...

Newly Tenured... at Colorado College, Gettysburg, U. of Hartford, U. of Puget Sound, W.P.I.

The following individuals have recently been awarded tenure by their colleges and universities: Colorado College Marie Davis-Green, theater and dance...

Next Phase for Gates's Completion Agenda

After seven years and half a billion dollars, the Gates Foundation announces its four priority areas for college completion policies and plans to release a data framework for measuring performance in higher education.

Free American History!

Walt Whitman thought Americans needed free, authoritative textbooks. Scott McLemee interviews two historians who've answered that call for undergrads.

Beyond the Backlash

After contemplating a proposal to ban its editors from blogging, the International Studies Association promotes an initiative to explore how online media can actually benefit scholars in the field.