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Newly Tenured... at College of Saint Rose, St. Norbert, Willamette

The following individuals have recently been awarded tenure by their colleges and universities: College of Saint Rose Eurie Dahn, English...

Change and Protest

Faculty and staff at Massachusetts's Roxbury Community College protest alleged lack of communication and changes pushed by the institution's president and her administration.

Surveying the MOOC Landscape

An updated study of massive open online courses from Harvard U. and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology finds diverse learner populations and interests -- and the need for more research.

Taking on Vandy's Priorities

An anonymous letter allegedly written by faculty members at Vanderbilt U. is circulating, detailing concerns about the leadership of the chancellor.

Redesigning Community Colleges

A new book from researchers at the Community College Research Center posits that the "guided pathways" approach of program development will lead to better outcomes at institutions.

Do Adjunct Quotas Work?

Massachusetts faculty union fights to enforce a contract cap on part-time faculty, while other adjunct advocates see little value in such efforts.

'Hitchcock à la Carte'

A figure in the pantheon of cinema -- and a gourmand extraordinaire. Scott McLemee reviews a new study of the great director's body of work.

Will Ratings Displace Accreditation?

The Obama administration’s proposed system could substitute federal officials’ judgment of institutional quality for peer review by academics, Judith Eaton argues.