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Cuts in Adjuncts' Pay and Raises for All Others

Florida SouthWestern's salary decisions raise questions about equity between part-time and full-time faculty.

Politics of Pell for Prisoners

Obama administration confirms its pilot program to offer Pell Grants to some prisoners is coming this Friday, and some Republican opposition is already forming.

Targeted for Tweets

A professor is speaking out against a Fox News report about months-old tweets that she says prompted a flood of hate mail and unfairly characterized her positions.

The Case for Striking Back

A study by a Chapman University professor suggests instructors could actually help students by defending their record on

On the Verge of De-Extinction

Coming soon to an ecosystem near you: cloned mammoths, dodoes, and other long-dead beasts. Or semi-cloned, anyway. Scott McLemee learns the difference.


One might assume a full-time faculty member at an elite institution would have his or her medical needs, and those of family members, covered. A Twitter campaign suggests that's not always the case.

Humanities for All

New grants from National Endowment for the Humanities aim to encourage books based on humanities research that are accessible to nonscholars.

Do We Know How to Judge Teaching?

Stephen L. Chew writes that current approaches -- for awards or tenure and promotion -- are based too much on passion or student enjoyment and not enough on actual learning.