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Are Unions Coming to the World of Admissions?

In wake of Hamilton College vote for collective bargaining, will other admissions offices see unions form?

Reviving the Humanities Through General Education

Andrew Delbanco and Loni Bordoloi Pazich describe a model for engaging students who seek respite from the pre-professional treadmill and for expanding teaching opportunities for faculty.

‘We Are Indispensable to Democracy Flourishing’

In an interview about his new book, What Universities Owe Democracy, Johns Hopkins University president Ronald J. Daniels discusses citizenship, facts, conservatism on campus and more.

Colleges With Federal Contracts Consider Biden Vaccine Order

Penn State may be among the first institutions to announce it will require COVID-19 vaccination for employees due to Biden administration order requiring vaccination for federal contractors.

No Such Luck

Scott McLemee reviews Barbara Blatchley’s What Are the Chances? which explores how beliefs about winning streaks can be manifestations of a shaky grasp of the principles of probability.

Faculty Governance: What the Data Say

American Association of University Professors survey finds over all, faculty representation is up over time, but faculty participation in presidential searches is down, as is full participation of part-time faculty members.

Settlement Backs Up Overhaul of Loan Forgiveness Program

In addition to clearing $400,000 in loan debt for the plaintiffs in the lawsuit, the Department of Education agreed to several reforms, adding to last week’s announced overhaul of the program.

Tenure Changes Ahead

The Board of Regents for all 26 University System of Georgia institutions says it wants to make posttenure review better, but professors say it’s really weakening tenure by subverting due process.