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U of Florida Bars Professors From Helping Lawsuit Against the State

University claims conflict of interest requires that faculty members not participate in suit. Decision stuns experts, who note that faculty have played a variety of roles in suits against states.

A Retreat From China Collaborations in the Face of U.S. Scrutiny

About half of Chinese scientists at U.S. universities report concerns about being surveilled by the U.S. government. Survey finds evidence that fears about a China-focused Department of Justice initiative to combat trade-secret theft may be harming American science.

Magickal Realism

Scott McLemee reviews The Last Witches of England: A Tragedy of Sorcery and Superstition by John Callow.

‘To Drink From the Well’

Author discusses her book on “the struggle for racial equality” at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

Equity and Justice in Teaching Quantitative Methods

While such methods are often considered value-free and unbiased, we must recognize how our classroom practices can reinforce oppressive ideologies and narratives, writes Kamden K. Strunk.

Students Need Mentors, and More Help in Making Those Connections

Nine strategies and tactics for ensuring more students desire a mentor and expanding opportunities for connection.

Harvard Student Workers Strike -- Again

Graduate assistants and undergraduate tutors stop working for three days to push for a second union contract that offers more protections than their first -- including a union shop.

Food Pantries Merge to Fight Campus Hunger

Swipe Out Hunger and the College and University Food Bank Alliance join forces to reach more campuses and end food insecurity for students.