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Does Calculus Count Too Much in Admissions?

New report suggests it does, and admissions association agrees. So do a lot of mathematicians.

New Programs: Public Health Informatics, Supply Chain Management, Cannabis, Engineering, Kinesiology

Dominican College, in New York, is starting a public health informatics and technology concentration in both the health sciences major...

‘Without Her Consent’

Harvard University allegedly obtained a Title IX complainant’s outside mental health records, absent her permission. How could that be possible?

How K-12 Book Bans Affect Higher Education

Some educators fear removing controversial books from the K-12 curriculum will harm student development and critical thinking—and rob them of the cultural capital colleges expect them to possess.

‘The Tip of the Iceberg’

Harvard faces a lawsuit by three graduate students who say for years it ignored their warnings and complaints about a prominent anthropologist before making minimal findings against him.

Alumni Magazines Find Their Digital Footing

The COVID-19 pandemic forced many alumni magazines to cancel print issues and build up their websites instead. Print is coming back, but the enhanced digital offerings are here to stay.

More Bean Burgers, Less Beef

Some colleges are cutting back on red meat in campus dining halls in an effort to fight climate change and prompt students to think about the carbon footprint of the food they consume.

The Syllabus? It’s On

The fact that students couldn’t find hidden money—even though its location was revealed in a professor’s syllabus—demonstrates a problem not with them but with our syllabi, writes Jonathan Beecher Field.