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Humanities Graduate Education Is Shrinking

A new report from the Humanities Indicators Project finds that master’s degrees in humanities fields peaked in 2012 and Ph.D.s three years later. There are no signs of a bounce back.

A Good Bookstore Is Hard to Find

Scott McLemee reviews Jeff Deutsch’s In Praise of Good Bookstores.


Hundreds protest possible New York University appointment for Dr. David Sabatini, who left Massachusetts Institute of Technology over sexual harassment findings.

Dialogue, Not Debate

To create a productive climate for hard campus conversations, consider shifting the focus from debate to dialogue, Megan Halteman Zwart writes.

Taking a Stand

University of California graduate assistants, postdocs and others stage a mass protest for better pay and benefits, while graduate workers in Illinois celebrate a win and those in Indiana continue striking.

Denied a Faculty Job for Marrying a Gay Couple

A researcher left Calvin University after officials questioned her same-sex marriage. Now the professor who officiated the ceremony has been denied reappointment for doing so.

The AAUP Explains Antisemitism and Gets It Wrong

The AAUP compromised its political neutrality in taking sides in the contested debate over the definition of antisemitism, Cary Nelson and Steven Lubet write.

‘The Walls Around Opportunity‘

Author discusses book on “the failure of colorblind policy for higher education.”