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'Dear Professor': On Anti-Blackness and Learning

A group of non-Black scholars, Learning Scientists for Racial Justice, invites other professors to work together to strengthen teaching and take concrete actions in support of Black lives.

From the Inside Out: Reflecting on a Dual Lens

Janet Wood Varner, a veteran K-12 teacher who's now become a full-time college instructor, describes what educators from both worlds can learn from each other.

Are Students Happier With Virtual Learning This Fall? A Little

Survey finds undergrads feel modestly more engaged -- especially when they think their professors have made an effort -- and are somewhat likelier to continue their educations.

A Renewed Focus on the Practice of Teaching

The abrupt transition to online teaching during the pandemic may fundamentally change how faculty members approach education, write Shigeru Miyagawa and Meghan Perdue.

Against Face-to-Face Teaching Mandates

Professors and graduate students urge caution on spring plans for in-person instruction.

New Programs: Veterinary Medicine, Marketing, Culinary Arts, Data Analytics, Criminal Justice

Lincoln Memorial University is starting a master of veterinary education program. Mount Aloysius College is starting a major in marketing...

Using Online Quizzing Better

This semester, make your online quizzes carry more of the weight of instruction, Zachary Nowak advises.

Why I Don’t Give Extra Credit

Laurence Musgrove explains his rationale in poetry.