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Style: MLA, Updated.

With implications for how undergraduates write, and cite, Modern Language Association releases revised handbook for preparing research papers.

The Information Super-Library

California community college plans certificate curriculum combining traditional Great Books approach with electronic delivery.

Catholic U. Pushes Homer; Faculty Say D'oh!

Catholic University of America may soon have a new freshman curriculum, which some critics say amounts to a new commandment...

The New Reverse Transfer

Part of the enrollment boom at community colleges comes from those who have left four-year institutions. Their choices -- surprising to some -- are saving money and may improve their odds at earning bachelor's degrees.

The Buzz and Spin on 3-Year Degrees

Idea of shaving a year off of college completion time gains attention. Some see ideal way to cut costs for students and institutions, others see a gimmick, and -- to date -- students haven't embraced it.

Shaking Up the Community College Concept

CUNY's plans to create a new two-year institution, with a core curriculum and requiring full-time enrollment, represents a dramatic shift in the model -- attracting much enthusiasm and a few raised eyebrows.

Blackboard, 9.0

Updated course management software offers increased flexibility and opportunities for social learning, company says.

Imagining College Without Grades

Could timing be right for more colleges to replace traditional A-F scale (which many fear has become an A-B scale) with narrative evaluations? Is the report card the enemy of meaningful assessment?