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Pass-Fail Option for Professors

If colleges want to encourage faculty members to innovate in teaching, they should consider a new approach to course evaluations, writes Alison Byerly.

More Than Facts and Formulas

Report concludes that deep, integrated learning, which starts in K-12 and continues through higher education, requires more attention from policy makers and institutions.

Engineering Your Degree

Flexible degrees gain popularity as students seek greater specialization in the expanding field of engineering.

Knee-Jerk Reforms on Remediation

The conclusion that remedial education has failed is based on flawed interpretations of data and unsupported assertions, write Hunter R. Boylan and Alexandros Goudas.

EdX Airways

Despite the high-profile buzz, elite universities’ move online won’t be what upends the higher ed market, writes Ryan Craig.

Score One for the Robo-Tutors

In a study spanning six public universities, students taught statistics mainly through software learned as much as peers taught primarily by humans. And the robots got the job done quicker.

Helping Students Think About Thinking

Humanities and social science instructors should help undergraduates learn how to recognize and describe their higher order skills as they hit the job market, Casey Wiley writes.

Multiple Choice

Students in a University of Michigan political science class get to choose how they will be graded on 60 percent of their class.