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Working Hard for Results

Carnegie Foundation's remedial math redesign shows big gains but no simple answers to one of higher education's toughest challenges.

Measuring the MOOC Dropout Rate

Are only 10 percent of students finishing courses? It depends on how you count.

Dangerous and Possibly Anonymous

Educators begin to think about how to deal with hate speech, threats and talk of suicide in massive open online courses.

Rise of Customized Learning

Western Governors U. and others continue to expand competency-based education amid excitement (and confusion) about President Obama's praise of the approach.

Learning How to Teach

Massive open online courses prompt some faculty to take a fresh look at their approaches in the classroom.

Change From Within

Higher education's most powerful association throws its weight behind "disruptions" to the industry. Can the establishment help lead the revolution?


The Columbia University physics professor who made international headlines for stripping to his underwear during a lecture still isn't speaking out, but his wife is.

My Substitute Semester

An unexpected message from an unlikely source helped Michael Bugeja return to the classroom.