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Not-So-Final Exam

What if a professor gives a test and accidentally gives out the answers -- but only to some students?

Scaling Back in San Jose

University will offer a new round of the courses it created with Udacity -- but this time as regular college classes.

Change Is Coming

Current business models and out-of-date curricular and teaching models need to be reformed for higher education to fulfill its crucial roles, writes Dan Greenstein.

Disrupting the Disruptors

A key principle -- that education is a public good -- needs to be central to discussions about how to change higher education, writes James Grossman.

Year of the Backlash

Might massive online courses from elite institutions -- which have been credited with legitimizing online education -- actually be undermining the public view of other forms of digital learning, Peter Stokes and Sean Gallagher ask?

Competent at What?

Lumina Foundation creates group of colleges working on competency-based degrees, with goals of defining what works and what, exactly, competency-based education should be.

Prestige vs. Major

For women, and especially disadvantaged women, what they study may be more important than where they study -- if they aspire to close the pay gap with men.

The Pulse: Brad Koch of Blackboard Learn

This month's edition of The Pulse podcast features an interview with Brad Koch, vice president for product development at Blackboard Learn.