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A New College for Old Credits

New college in Rhode Island will help the state's adults with incomplete degrees graduate. Organization's leaders have their eyes on national -- and possibly international -- expansion.

The Guilt of Summer School

Ulf Kirchdorfer explains why he -- like most of the world, but unlike many other professors -- works during the summer.

Education's Moment of Truth

The increasing availability of data about the learning process can help professors better understand how they can help students, Fred Singer writes.

Leaders, One and All

Rice University says it believes all of its students can be leaders with the right cultivation and coaching. The university hopes a new $50 million institute will give students that push.

We've Got Your Back

When a Polk State professor found himself accused of being anti-Christian, the college's leaders answered back -- and said he was entitled to academic freedom.

Teaching Quality, Globally

OECD prepares for major project to measure effectiveness of universities in the classroom.

Profit and Competency

Kaplan University creates new "competency reports" for all 45,000 students, a move that adds momentum, and risks, for competency-based education's spread.

The Pulse: Echo360, Beyond Lecture Capture

In this month's edition of Inside Higher Ed's podcast The Pulse, Greg Golkin, head of platform innovation at Echo360, discusses Echo 360's Active Learning Platform and how the company has expanded beyond lecture capture.