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The much-maligned general education model remains alive and well, but with new features, survey finds.

The Faculty Role Online, Scrutinized

The Education Department's inspector general is auditing Western Governors U over the faculty role in its competency-based programs. The high-stakes audit is relevant to other colleges and forms of online learning.

Aesthetics on the River

Charlie Tyson reflects on the lessons of beauty and thought learned from rowing and from study of the humanities.

Selling the English Major

At MLA, professors consider how to make the case for their discipline -- and talk about salary prospects -- to prospective students, but also to parents, presidents and politicians.

Bias Against Female Instructors

New analysis offers more evidence against the reliability of student evaluations of teaching, at least for their use in personnel decisions.

Community College Classrooms as 'Democratic Vistas'

At MLA meeting, instructors share philosophy behind their work -- and the practical challenges for new Ph.D.s who might not have a clue about teaching at an open admissions institution.

Doing It Right

Experts weigh in on what the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative needs to do to put the Facebook founder's billions of dollars toward expanding the use of personalized learning.

Another Deep Springs? But With Women

One of the country's most idiosyncratic colleges has inspired an ambitious group of would-be founders, in Sitka, Alaska.